Thursday, September 15, 2016

Poem #10

June 2015

one summer evening warm but not too warm
when we were on martha’s vineyard we drove
to the small town nearest our vacation cottage
all the towns there were small but this one was minuscule

really just a crossroads with a school a store a tavern (dry)
a community center an improbable chocolate shop
and a church where on tuesday nights the ladies
with their broad shoulders in loose tee shirts and

their gray curls under baseball caps sold lobster roll supers
for a modest price you got lobster on a hotdog bun
a bag of chips a cookie and a paper cup of lemonade
I was afraid you’d have to sit there and eat it that

they’d want to talk to you and maybe even want
to prosthelytize but no they gave you your food in
a plastic carrier bag with handles smiled goodbye
happy to see the back of you and the front of the next one

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