Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Editorial Perks

I guess there are jobs where you fly around the world in first class shipping champagne, where people lend you couture gowns to wear, where you have to worry about whether the number of expensive gifts you've received is going to get you in trouble with some sort overseeing body. Well, as you probably already know: Editing books is not one of those jobs. But that doesn't mean it doesn't have it's occasional perks. For instance--

Being interviewed. I was recently interviewed here about this book (photo credit for the above shot is not actually from the interview, but rather from the divine post about the book that Brain Pickings wrote a while back, which includes many other gorgeous photos well worth clicking through to see).

And then I also got to talk to Felt & Wire for this piece about the recent Pantone products I worked on (which I've already gone on about, at great length, here, so will spare you any more on that subject).

Getting mail. The interview was conducted by the lovely Alyson Kuhn, who also sent me some of the postcards, with beautifully matched stamps, in a few of my own favorite colors. 

Getting treats. It doesn't happen all that often, but occasionally an author shows up bearing goodies--like the Miette macarons above (rose geranium and pistachio: my favorites!).

Or these amazing Recchiuti chocolates that feature art from Thomas Pringle of Creativity Explored.

And sometimes there are flowers around the office. Because one coworker brought some in for another, or because someone is having a going away party.

image source for photo at top of post is here

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